Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let it snow, Let snow, Let it snow!

Hello to all you frozen students, staff and parents!

I never thought when we were all wishing for snow before Winter Break that SO MUCH snow would fall.  I hope all of you are drinking your Snowman Soup and enjoying the snowy weather.

Here are some pictures from my house.

I have feeding the birds.  The Lesser Goldfinches are only 4" big and need to eat a lot to stay warm.  A whole flock of them has been keeping me busy at the bird feeder.

Then, you see my Miss Bee Garden sculpture. Her angel wings are  more frosty than usual.

My daughter built this 'snow cat' the other night. It is a special one that guards you from bad spirits.  Read more about them in the picture book, A Promise is A Promise by Robert Munsch.

Have a great time this break and enjoy the snow and being with your family and friends.  
Ms. Green

PS. Don't forget to comment!  Tell me about your snow adventures.

1 comment:

ryan yuen said...

Hi Mrs.Green

My adventure for the snow was cool, because when i stepped into the snow it felt like i was sinking down into the snow(i was scare)!! Then the next day i was shoveling the snow my dad came out and show me a game with a ice shaped like a triangle and then we throw it, but before we throw it i hold on to the tip of the triangle. Now we throw it into the air! When i throw it it hit the stop sign. That was very funny to me.