Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays! and more snow, too!

Happy Holidays!
How are you enjoying your family? Friends? The snow?
I have been taking lots of snow photos, doing craft projects and watching TV/Movies.
Make a comment and let me know what you have been doing.
Ms. Green

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let it snow, Let snow, Let it snow!

Hello to all you frozen students, staff and parents!

I never thought when we were all wishing for snow before Winter Break that SO MUCH snow would fall.  I hope all of you are drinking your Snowman Soup and enjoying the snowy weather.

Here are some pictures from my house.

I have feeding the birds.  The Lesser Goldfinches are only 4" big and need to eat a lot to stay warm.  A whole flock of them has been keeping me busy at the bird feeder.

Then, you see my Miss Bee Garden sculpture. Her angel wings are  more frosty than usual.

My daughter built this 'snow cat' the other night. It is a special one that guards you from bad spirits.  Read more about them in the picture book, A Promise is A Promise by Robert Munsch.

Have a great time this break and enjoy the snow and being with your family and friends.  
Ms. Green

PS. Don't forget to comment!  Tell me about your snow adventures.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Never let anything stop you from learning!

I just watched a Hallmark Hall of Fame program about a teacher, Mr. Bruce Cohen, who has Tourette's Syndrome.  He makes many odd noises and has many unusual movements that he can not control.  People made fun of him at school and in the community.  He did not let it stand in his way to be successful.  In fact, he said his disability taught him how to be a better teacher and person.  Tourette's taught him to keep going and never give up.

What gets in your way to being successful? 
Do you have a positive attitude or a negative one?  
What works for you?
Who is an inspiration for you?

Ms. Green

Sunday, November 30, 2008

What Do You Prefer? Pie or Ice Cream?

What do you prefer and why?

Pie or Ice Cream?

Chocolate or Cookies?

Adventure stories or Mysteries?

Poetry or a Picture book?

A Picture book or a Novel?

Reading or Math?

Let me know which ones you like more and why.  Then I will tell you what I prefer.
Happy Blog Reading Homework!
Ms. Green

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How much will you care this Holiday Season?

Recently in Soar classes we discussed how each of us cares about our family, friends, school and community.  This has gotten me thinking about how can I show my family, friends, school and community that I care this holiday season.  So, I have created a list of things to care about and do over the next month.  It is in no particular order.

CARING about Family, Friends, School & Community
  1. Listen more, talk less.
  2. Help out.
  3. Collect food for the Oregon Food Bank.
  4. Exercise to reduce stress, create energy and to watch my calories.
  5. Call friends who don't have family close by.
  6. Enjoy traditions.  Start new traditions.
  7. Read a book.
  8. Give homemade gifts.
  9. Have fun. Smile.
  10. Take pictures.
What's on your list for Caring about family, friends, school and community?

Have a wonderful, caring Thanksgiving!
Ms. Green
P.S. Read 180 Students, commenting on this blog counts towards lots of Extra Credit and a better grade!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Need Email? Here is how

Hello Read 180 Students!
If you do not have an email account, you can get a gmail account for free!
Just go to Google and put in gmail.
Then, go to Create a Google Account - Gmail.
Start with entering your first name and last name.
Type in your clever Desired Login Name that will be your new email address in gmail.
Then choose a password you can remember.
Enter the password again.
Select a Security Question and then the answer.
If you have another email, enter it under Secondary email.
Your location should be United States.
Then go to the Word Verification and type in the characters you see in te picture.
You will then see the Terms of Service. Read them. Click on I accept. Create my account.
Then, Bingo, you have an email address in Google's Gmail.

See you around the Reading Spot.
Ms. Green

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A New Form of Reading Homework!

Hello Read180 students!
If you have gotten this far, you are close to venturing into a new way of doing your reading homework.
Starting the week of November 17th, you can count one homework (worth 30 minutes) if you read my blog and make a constructive comment about the blog or blog question of the week.
Are you game?

Week 1 Question: Do you think reading blogs is meaningful homework? Why or Why Not?

I look forward to read your responses.
Remember, you must enter a comment or it doesn't count as homework.
Also, don't forget to enter it on your reading log.

Ms. Green

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to the Reading Spot!

This is a new blog to focus on reading and Ms. Green's Read 180 class news!
More news coming soon.